Friday, November 6, 2009

Events History

Class                    Place                          Event

65cc                                 3                                South East QLD Title – Rd 1 Toowoomba

65cc 7-9 yrs                   18                                Shell Advance Sunshine State MX Series

65cc 7-10 yrs                   1                                Go Girls Series – Rd 1 Gold Coast
65cc 7-10 yrs                   1                                Go Girls Series – Rd 3 Roma
85cc 9-12 yrs                   2                                Go Girls Series – Rd 3 Roma
65cc 7-10 yrs                   1                                Go Girls Series Overall Champion

85cc 9-11 yrs                   2                                ADMC Club Day

65cc 7-9 yrs A Grade       1                               GCMX Club Day 2

65cc 7-9 yrs A Grade       3                               GCMX Club Day 4

65cc 7-9 yrs A Grade       3                               GCMX Club Day 5

65cc 7-9 yrs A Grade       3                               GCMX Club Day 7

65cc 7-9 yrs A Grade       2                               GCMX Club Day 8
85cc 9-11 yrs B Grade     3                               GCMX Club Day 8

65cc 7-9 yrs A Grade       3                               GCMX Club Day 9
85cc 9-11 yrs B Grade     3                               GCMX Club Day 9

85cc 9-11 yrs B Grade     3                               GCMX Club Day 10

65cc 7-9 yrs A Grade       1                               GCMX Club Day 11
85cc 9-11 yrs B Grade      2                              GCMX Club Day 11

65cc 9-11 yrs                  35                             Australian Junior Motocross Championships Maffra Vic

65cc 7-9 yrs                      1                             Moreton Districts Motocross Club

New Zealand Events entered

65cc 7-8 yrs                     5                               48th Woodville International Motocross
                                                                          Grand Prix – 23-25 Jan 09

65cc 7-8 yrs                  Rained out                    Auckland Champs Demon Motocross
                                                                          Pukekohe – 15-16 Feb 09

65cc 9-11 yrs                   3                                North Is. Junior & Snr MX Champs
                                                                          King of the Mountain, Taranaki - 10-12 April 09

85cc 8-10 yrs                 21                                NZ Junior Motox Championships
                                                                          Taupo 17-19 April 09


65cc 7-9 yrs                     2                                Richmond River Motorcycle Club

50cc Div.2                        2                                GCMX Club Day 1
65cc 7-9 yrs B Grade       3                                GCMX Club Day 1

50cc Div.2                        2                                GCMX Club Day 2

50cc Div.2                        1                                GCMX Club Day 3

50cc Div.2                        2                                GCMX Club Day 4

50cc Div.2                        3                                GCMX Club Day 5

50cc Div.2                        2                                GCMX Club Day 6

50cc Div.2                        3                                GCMX Club Day 7
65cc 7-9 B Grade            2                                 GCMX Club Day 7

50cc Div.2                        3                                GCMX Club Day 8
65cc 7-9 B Grade             3                                GCMX Club Day 8

65cc 7-9 B Grade             3                                GCMX Club Day 9
50cc Div.2                        2                                GCMX Club Day 9

65cc 7-9 A Grade            3                                 GCMX Club Day 11
50cc Div.2                       2                                 GCMX Club Day 11

50cc Div.2                       2                                 GCMX Club Championship
65cc 7-9 A Grade           4                                  GCMX Club Championship (only racing half the year)

50cc Div.2                       8                                 South East QLD Junior Championship


50cc Div.2                       3                                  GCMX Club Day 9

50cc                                3                                   Sutherland PCYC - Slow

50cc                                3                                   Sutherland PCYC – Non Foot Clover

50cc                                3                                   Penrith Minikhana Championship


50cc                               Nippers                          Sutherland PCYC

50cc                               Nippers                          Sutherland PCYC – Minikhana Championship

50cc                               Nippers                          TCA Christmas Challenge

50cc                               Nippers                          NSW Minikhana Championship

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


BLAKE COBBIN #20, rode in very cold conditions in both the 65cc and 85cc classes. As Blake rides in the 85 class at club level he was required to ride in an age group above his age. He rode in 9-11 age group instead of 7-9 years and raced well considering his competition. The gates were stacked with the fastest and most competitive juniors in this country and several international riders and had to qualify against as many as 87 competitors for just 40 placings to qualify for the finals. After a very tiring week of racing every day, Blake qualified for the finals of the 65cc class and came home with a very respectful 35th in Australia.

Monday, July 13, 2009

South East Queensland Junior Motocross Series 2009

Round 1 - Toowoomba - July 11
Blake has been practicing in the lead up to the SE QLD Series and strengthening his wrist after the fracture in May put a stop to his riding for a couple of weeks.

This round Blake rode his 65cc and placings were 3rd, 3rd and 4th in the last race after a close race being riden between another rider and Blake for 3rd spot with Blake unfortunately missing out on that race, but his prior placings meant he still came 3rd overall for this round resulting is some well earned prize money.

Friday, April 24, 2009

NZ Junior Motox Championships, Taupo 17-19 April

After the King of the Mountain competition in New Plymouth we headed off for Lake Taupo.

This is an incredible track, amazing to see steam literally come up out of the track.

Blake had some 'steaming' starts, being in the third and fifth position in a couple of the races before he came upstuck and went over the handle bars. His overall position for the weekend was 21st out of a field of 32.

NZ North Island Junior & Senior MX Champs - 10-12 April 2009

The family, which included Pa and Nannie Cobbin, travelled to Taranaki, New Plymouth, to compete in the Mini's on Friday 10 April and the 85cc class on 11 & 12 April.

Blake rode well in very cold and damp conditions. His placing for the 65cc was 3rd so very proud to take a podium position.

The next day was a challenge going from mini track to the seniors track, riding the bigger bike on a track approx. 2 kms long. There were 3 races on Saturday and 2 on Sunday, so a very cruelling task. He came 7th overall, which was fantastic considering the conditions and field of good riders.
Cousin Luke Burkhart rode in the 450cc class and was undisputed King of the Mountain winning all his races - the two champs trophies.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

2009 Honda International Motocross NZ Grand Prix

Blake and Luke preparing bikes for big race.

Blake raced on Saturday 24 January. The track was technical and very challenging for the mini's. We had approximately 20 kids in the 65cc class. We had some great weather while we were over there so the track was dry and dusty.

There was a practice round then it was best of 4 races. Blake was up against some fantastic little riders and they all pushed each other to do their best.

At the end of the day his placing was 5th. We were very happy with the result. The commentator was quite taken with Blake being from Australia and he was watched closely and his sponsors mentioned many times during the course of the day over the loud speaker.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Born in Maroubra, NSW, in 2000 and family relocated to Northern NSW in July 2007 to expand Blake’s riding experience and for a lifestyle change.

After being invited to watch his second cousin, Luke Burkhart (Suzuki Team New Zealand ), to ride in 2003 in a Super Motocross challenge, Blake has wanted to ride ever since, he was 3 years old.

We were able to hold off until his 6th birthday. His first bike was a Suzuki JR50, it lasted him about 4 months. Not only did he want to jump bigger jumps than it could handle but he was growing up so quickly his knees where nearly dragging in the dirt.

He competed in his first event in May 2006 and received his first trophy.

His next bike was a KTM Pro Senior – his pride and joy!

Event History:-
  • 2007 3rd Penrith Regional Minikhana Championship
  • 2008 2nd Division 2, 50cc – Gold Coast Junior Motocross Club
    4th 65cc 7-9 years – Gold Coast Junior Motocross Club, after starting mid year.
    8th Division 2, 50cc – South East Queensland Junior Championship

What is in store for 2009:-

Blake has now traded in his 50cc for a new KTM 65cc and KTM85cc, which he can ride when he turns 9. He will travel to New Zealand in January to compete in the 2009 International Motocross NZ Grand Prix and two Stadium Cross Events in Toowoomba and Carrara in QLD.

There will also be some other events in NZ which Dan and Blake will travel over for. Watch for the updates.

Goals and Ambitions:-

Blake would like to be a Supercross champion and ride for a team and travel the world riding cool tracks – after he’s finished school.


Dan's Combo Diggers (mum and dad)

Big Boss Graphics - supplies bike number stickers

Saturday, January 10, 2009